Monday, October 18, 2010


Good morning, Friends!
   It's a fabulous Monday morning! The sun is shining, the weather is amazing and I've got a busy day ahead of myself.
   I don't have too much to write about today. I'm sorry I've been out of the loop for almost a week. With this move ahead of me, I'm staying much too busy to spend time on the computer. So I wanted to apologize for that and let you all know what's going on. However, when things settle down a bit, I will be sure to keep everyone posted on the status of my trip, what the journey brings as I travel through the states with the kids, my dog, my cat, and my dad. It should be hilarious. Also, as I get settled in my new dwelling, I will be sure to share the feelings this experience brings and hopefully find greatness in it all.
   So as I leave this post to attend to my kids and daily tasks, I would like to share with you that I've been elated in the last few days. Not quite sure why, just really aware of my blessings and basking in them. I've gotten some really great perspective on things and I'm trying really hard to be more grateful for my life and all I have. I've decided to do my best to stop focusing so much on what I don't have or how my life could be better and focus on how rich my life already is. I'm seeing things so differently lately. I am so blessed and I wander through most of my days wishing my life were more grand, glamorous, wealthy, fun, exciting, etc. I'm learning that the only reason my life isn't that way is because of my terrible attitude. My life is grand in many ways. I have glamorous moments. I am wealthy in ways that are more important than money. My children are fun and my husband and I have fun together. We find fun in the silliest things and enjoy being dorks together. And the only excitement I'm missing is that which I fail to find in every moment and create on my own!
   I've not had much time for myself to do the things I love like work out. And I haven't been eating as well as I should. What with all this halloween candy around. Anyone who knows me knows candy is a serious weakness for me. But I'm allowing myself some wiggle room through this transition. I know once I move and get settled, I'll be able to get right back into the swing of things. I can't wait though! I miss working out so much! And boy can I tell the difference in my energy level!
    Anyway...I hope today's blog will allow you to see all you have in your life to be grateful for! We all have so much more than we realize. Find those wonderful things that make your life grand and celebrate those who are a part of making your life fun and exciting! Have a wonderful week, everyone. I hope to post again in the next few days, but if I don't, know that I'm fine and just tackling what I must to get the job done! Wishing well, talk to you all  soon!

<3 Jenn

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