Friday, October 8, 2010

Day 1

Good morning, friends!
   Today is my first day "blogging". I've been wanting to do it for some time now just haven't taken the time to do it. I love sharing information, my feelings and opinions about things, and anything I can that others might find helpful.
   I created this blog to hold discussions about all things life. Of course, the discussions will mostly be focused around health and fitness but I don't feel that always has to be the topic to be helpful or interesting. However, I believe that health and fitness should be the cornerstone for your life. If health and fitness are your main priorities, everything else will fall into place. I believe this because in more recent years of my life I have not made time to take care of myself. I've taken very poor care of myself in fact. I haven't committed time to care for myself. I seem to always take the backseat to other priorities in my life. As I do believe your children, spouse, family, faith, etc. should be major priorities that come first, I've learned the hard way that you have to take care of yourself and put yourself first in order to be a valuable person to others. It's similar to being in a burning building. If you can't breathe, you can't save anyone else. Well, if you don't care for yourself, you can't effectively care for others. I believe that if more moms took care of themselves like they should and devoted time to do things they love, they'd be happier. I personally am a better mother and wife when I take time for myself. When I don't, I lose sight of myself and get wrapped up in the chaos of life. It's overwhelming and then I feel defeated. I've also had my 3 children in a small amount of time. I've not given myself very much time to adapt to these huge life changes or allowed my body to heal from this very traumatic event. And dealing with that kind of adjustment can prove to be challenging sometimes. Especially if you don't have control of other areas of your life. This is why I've made my health and fitness the cornerstone of my life. If I am not healthy and don't feel good in my skin, I'm not as happy, therefore, not as good to or for my family. So I have vowed to commit to being healthier, making healthier decisions, and making the time for my fitness. Most people say they don't have time for fitness. It's not that they don't have time, it's that they won't make it a priority and dedicate time to their fitness.
   I would love for you to follow me here and check out my daily blogs. I would love more for you to add your comments or questions to add to the discussion. I welcome all feedback so please feel free to add anything you wish to make my blog more helpful to anyone who reads it!
   I look forward to sharing my journey with you and hopefully helping you discover yours. I would be honored to join you on your ride to realizing your dreams and chasing them!

Much Love ~ Jenn


  1. I'm so excited you started a blog! :)

  2. You truly are an amazing being...i'm along for the ride mama!
